A Sense Of Community At Ivy Estate

A Sense Of Community At Ivy Estate

It is a feeling of cohesiveness among the people you’re surrounded with that truly makes your house a home. Families that live in sync share in the joys and happiness that each day brings with it. Today’s society, however, is moving at a fast rate, and becoming more and more detached as a result of technology, busy schedules, and a lost balance of work and life. Having experienced the isolation that an urban lifestyle brings with itself, it wasn’t long before I was overpowered by a sense of loneliness and dispassion towards the world.

However, in this fast-paced life where the true meaning of community is lost in translation, I experienced an environment of a well-knit community at Ivy Estate – a place where families can enjoy every second of every day.1600 happy families living in this cosy connected setting reinstated my belief in the fact that there’s no greater joy than to live life surrounded by the people you love.

Each day, I gleefully watched children of every age playing outdoors instead of watching TV, enjoying community activities such as skating, martial arts and learning football, dance, music and more as mothers mingled in the vibrant community, assured that the kids are playing in a safe and secure zone.

Ivy Estate gave me a chance to spend time together with my family, a luxury only a few can afford in today’s time. Even leisure activities such as enjoying some quality time at the pool, playing indoor & outdoor sports with my little ones, and seeing my parents spend their time meditating and practising yoga, made me feel ecstatic to be part of this incredible community. At Ivy Estate, every minute of my free time transformed into moments of fun, creating memories just like a well-connected community does.

Ivy Estate is registered with RERA under Registration No. P52100001066 available at website: http://maharera.mahaonline.gov.in
